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7 Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps in 2024

Abandonment can be hurtful, but what if it can be rectified? Shopify abandoned cart app can help you achieve this.

A cart being abandoned is a sale being missed. Hence, a Shopify store has to try everything in its power to retain customers and sales.

One way of doing this is connecting with the customers to re-engage them. Try and pursue them with emails, SMS, and notifications to reconsider purchase. Shopify abandoned cart app can make this task easier than you can imagine.

This blog will give you detailed information regarding various abandoned cart apps in Shopify and what are the main features that can help you decrease your cart abandonment rate.

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What is an abandoned cart in Shopify?

An abandoned cart in Shopify is when a customer adds products to their cart but exits the website without entering the checkout page. Here, the products in the cart are considered “abandoned”.

The reason for the abandonment of a cart can be several like high cost, complicated checkout process, better price elsewhere, etc. Understanding what leads to an abandoned cart and reaching out to customers regarding the same Shopify abandoned cart app will be very helpful.

Based on statistics, 70% of carts are abandoned before checkout. It is one of the crucial issues that has to be taken care of to get more sales for the Shopify store.

There are several ways in which Shopify abandoned cart app can help you bring back these potential sales. Using these Shopify cart abandonment apps, you can reach out to customers who abandoned the cart through precisely timed, personalized messages over multiple channels.

Why is a Shopify Abandoned cart app needed?

A Shopify abandoned cart app is needed to easily engage with your customers and build a solid customer relationship to encourage abandoned cart recovery.

The following are the main benefits of having a Shopify abandoned cart app to increase sales.

1. Auto follow-ups:

Identifying the abandoned cart can be easy with the Shopify store feature. However, reaching out to these customers with timely engagement to reconsider their abandoned carts takes a lot of work. This is where a Shopify abandoned cart app will be of great help.

With this, you can do regular follow-ups through scheduling and reach customers through multiple channels like email, SMS, WhatsApp, and notifications.

2. Personalized reach out:

A generic message may result negatively. A Shopify abandoned cart app can help craft a personalized message to encourage abandoned cart recovery.

Some personalized abandoned cart recovery email options are reminder mail, discount offers, back-in-stock, etc. With personalized engagement, you can also build a good relationship with your customers to build loyalty.

3. Recommend Other Products:

Instead of simply concentrating on making customers buy the products in their abandoned cart. You can cross-sell or upsell products to your customers with the help of a Shopify abandoned cart app.

Cross-selling is selling products related to items present in a customer’s cart or based on browsing history. Upselling is suggesting higher-end versions of products in their cart.

4. Retain Customers:

Retaining customers is crucial for the success of a business as it brings repeated purchases. One of the key factors to ensure customer retention is engagement with the customers to nurture a strong bond.

A Shopify abandoned cart app will help build this relationship with customers through automated emails and message sharing. These messages can be customized and scheduled easily.

5. Analytics report:

An insightful analysis of any campaign is important to redefine the strategy for better results. Some significant metrics like email open rate, recovery rate, conversion rate, etc will be monitored.

A/B testing of your abandoned cart recovery emails can be conducted using a Shopify abandoned cart app. This will help decide which emails perform better and bring good outcomes.

Using one of the best abandoned cart apps in Shopify mentioned in this blog, you can use all the above-mentioned features.

How to analyze customer behavior to reduce cart abandonment on Shopify?

To analyze customer behavior to reduce cart abandonment on Shopify, you need the help of the following factors:

  1. Behavior-based segmentation: Try segmenting your customers based on similarities in their behavior and purchase history. This will help you figure out what customers falling under the same segment will like. For segmentation and sending customized emails, you can use a Shopify abandoned cart app.
  2. Use Session Recording: You can record certain browsing sessions of your customer to understand their click patterns. This will give you some insights into what works for the customer and what doesn’t. You can also use any Shopify abandoned cart app for the same.
  3. A/B Testing for Checkout: Create more than one checkout page to know which offers an effortless checkout experience for your customers. As complicated checkout options can be a reason for cart abandonment, designing an easy checkout page can be useful. Some Shopify abandoned cart apps allow you to conduct A/B testing.
  4. Insights and Analytics: One way of analyzing customer behavior is by measuring the reaction of customers to Abandoned cart emails. This can be achieved easily with the help of a Shopify abandoned cart app. You can refine and optimize the email content to get positive reactions and drive sales.

Send personalized emails with offers and discounts using Retainful and recover your abandoned cart

7 Best Abandoned Cart Apps for Shopify in 2024

The 7 best abandoned cart apps for Shopify in 2024 that can recover carts are:

  1. Retainful
  2. Omnisend
  3. Tidio
  4. Recapture
  5. WIZ
  6. LiveRecover
  7. Uptain

1. Retainful: Email Marketing

Retainful is a popular Shopify abandoned cart app that lets you send emails to your customers. This can help with customer re-engagement and drive sales to your Shopify store.

This abandoned cart recovery Shopify app is suitable for e-commerce stores of any size. They encourage seamless workflow through automation.

With Retainful you can win back your customers with detailed email campaigns. You can send welcome emails, thank you emails, and other personalized emails to re-engage inactive customers.

This cart abandonment Shopify app can set auto triggers to reminders of abandoned carts to receive lost sales.

Retainful Shopify App

Key Features of Retainful

  • Grow email lists using sign-up forms, exit intent popups, add-to-cart popups, etc.
  • Personalize email campaigns for the Shopify store and automate the same
  • Add next-order coupons to encourage repeated purchase
  • Enables customer segmentation and sends targeted emails


Essential – $9/month
Strater – $19/month
Growth – $49/month

2. Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS

With Omnisend, you can make abandoned cart recovery the biggest part of your email marketing campaign. You can capture the attention of the audience with beautiful landing pages and popups and then convert them into customers.

A pre-build workflow is present in this Shopify abandoned cart app. You can also edit and customize the workflow easily with their drag-and-drop editor.

To increase the conversion and retention rate of your customers, you can also use this abandoned cart app of Shopify by segmenting customers based on data present.

Additionally, you can also use Omnisend to collect social proof and build a brand with a loyal community. This will also contribute to a sales boost.

Omnisend Shopify App

Key Features of Omnisend

  • Create separate SMS campaigns and Push notification campaign
  • Urgency building templates for SMS
  • Integrates with several e-commerce tools and apps
  • You can handle multi-store accounts

Omnisend Price

  • Free
  • Standard – $16/month
  • Pro – $59/month

3. Tidio Live Chat & AI Chatbots

Tidio is an all-in-one app that can handle live chat, ticketing, email marketing, and abandoned cart recovery apps for Shopify. This app can increase engagement with customers and increase the chances of recovering abandoned carts.

Using this Shopify abandoned cart app’s live chat feature, you can easily interact with customers live to pursue abandoned cart recovery.

This cart abandonment Shopify app monitors all important features in live to give a detailed analysis. Based on the channel’s performance, you can optimize the program for better results.

Apart from emails and live chat, Tidio will also let you reach your customers through WhatsApp and Instagram. Multi-channel operations will deliver a high conversion rate.

Tidio Shopify app

Key features of Tidio

  • Instant replies from AI
  • Templates for customer chats
  • Filter messages using AI
  • Abandoned cart recovery with AI

Tidio Price

  • Free
  • Customer Service – $29/month
  • Flows – $29/month
  • Lyra AI Chatbot – $39/month

4. Recapture Abandoned Carts

As a Shopify abandoned cart app, Recapture will re-engage with customers to recover lost sales through email and SMS communication.

Apart from personalized email, you can also broadcast emails for cart abandonment recovery in Shopify. Additionally, you can also send review request emails, win-back emails, etc with Recapture.

Recapture is known for its easy setup that can be established effortlessly within 5 minutes. Even people not familiar with technology can set up easily. They offer integration with other apps like Zapier and Mailchimp.

Recapture provides dedicated support to its customers and detailed analytics of all performance.

Recapture Shopify App

Key Features of Recapture

  • Email editor to personalize emails
  • Pre-created templates for emails and SMS
  • Post-purchase campaign

Recapture Price

  • Free
  • Base Plan – $39/month

5. WIZ: AI Email Automation & DNS

With a Shopify Abandoned cart app like Wiz, you can create personalized emails to recover cart abandonment in no time.

You can automate your customer retention using this Shopify cart abandonment app. This one app can replace the work of your marketers and designers by giving your copywriting, design, and trigger templates.

You can send emails and reminders regarding abandoned carts and abandoned checkouts at timely intervals to gain better sales. You can customize these emails using Wiz’s email editor.

In addition, you can also use this app to build your email marketing campaign with welcome emails, popups, etc.

Wiz Shopify app

Key Features of Wiz

  • Use AI for email automation.
  • DNS set up to send positive inbox signals
  • Excellent chat support

Wiz Price

  • Free
  • Starter – $5/month
  • Growth – $10/month
  • Scale – $20/month

6. LiveRecover SMS Cart Recovery

The LiveRecover supports modern-day customer engagement. In this time and age when mobile phones are used by everyone, reaching a customer through SMS is easier than through email. This Shopify abandoned cart recovery app helps you send timely SMS to customers to recover their carts.

This abandoned cart app in Shopify is suitable for businesses in all stages and phases. You can construct a workflow to trigger abandoned carts and cart recovery reminders.

You can also generate a one-time discount to attract customers using this Shopify abandoned cart app. This will encourage repeated purchases from existing customers.

Liverecover Shopify app

Key Features of LiveRecover

  • Helps with segmentation of carts for easy recovery
  • Knowledge base available to make business informed
  • Live SMS interaction with customers

LiveRecover Price

  • Growth – $49/month (including 10% revenue from the app)
  • Pro – $199/month (including 5% revenue from the app)

7. Uptain Conversion Optimization

Uptain will help increase the conversion of customers by sending them reminder emails regarding abandoned carts in Shopify.

You can create engaging exit popups with this Shopify abandoned cart app and save yourself from losing any potential sale. You can also increase your email subscribers through multiple opt-in options and slide-ins. Newsletters can also be sent easily with this app.

You will also receive data protection at the right pricing. By following best practices to use this cart abandonment Shopify app, you can increase shopping value along with cart recovery.

Uptain Shopify App

Key features of Uptain

  • Customize email and pop-ups.
  • Offer coupons to customers
  • Build an email subscribers list

Uptain Price

  • Free

Use Afflr to create an influencer marketing program that can increase reach and reduce abandoned checkout


Recovering potential sales lost through abandoned carts and retaining existing customers can be achieved through frequent customer engagement. This can be achieved easily with the help of a Shopify abandoned cart app.

In this blog, we have discussed the best abandoned cart apps in Shopify for 2024. Now, you have all the information needed to choose the right app and drive your sales through abandoned cart recovery.

Further Reading

How to recover abandoned carts?

To recover abandoned carts you can send follow-up emails with rewards such as discounts or free shipping. You can use a Shopify abandoned cart app to help automate these emails through scheduling and personalizing content.

What is the difference between an abandoned checkout and an abandoned cart?

An abandoned cart is when a customer simply adds products to their cart but leaves without entering the checkout page. An abandoned checkout is when a customer starts the checkout process but doesn’t complete the purchase.

How do I find the abandoned cart on Shopify?

To find the abandoned cart rate on Shopify, go to your Shopify admin dashboard → Order -> Abandoned Checkouts. You can find the abandoned checkout report here.

How do I turn abandoned carts into sales?

To turn abandoned carts into sales you can reengage with your customers through emails, SMS, or popups. You can also offer discounts to your customers or other product recommendations for cross-sell and up-sell.

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