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8 Klaviyo Alternative for Email Marketing

Klaviyo is one of the popular email marketing tools in helping e-commerce stores. However, look out for tools that are Klaviyo alternatives is very high in the market. This is due to Klaviyo’s price plans and email, SMS, and notification limitations.

Finding the best alternative to Klaviyo for email marketing can be hard as various customer options are available. Therefore, we have studied and listed 8 Klaviyo alternatives for email marketing to help you make an informed choice.

You can build a successful email marketing campaign with a good understanding of your business needs and knowledge of the features and price plans of various email marketing tools available in the market. Alternatives to Klaviyo in this blog will help you broaden your options in choosing the right email marketing tool.

You can use affiliate marketing to build your email marketing subscribers. Install Afflr to successfully run affiliate marketing.

What is Klaviyo?

Klaviyo helps automate email marketing for businesses. With Klaviyo, you can send emails, SMS, push notifications, popups, etc. These features will keep you in constant touch with your customers and build a strong relationship. Additionally, this will also help increase your sales and customer retention.

Klaviyo will help to automate the workflow of your emails and other messages. You can also segment the customers based on similarities and send them targeted emails. This will increase the email open rates.

Klaviyo offers detailed analytics and insights on the performance of email campaigns. The analysis report includes metrics like email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, etc. With this information, you can make data-driven decisions to increase the efficiency of your campaign.

Even though Klaviyo is an excellent tool for email marketing, other Klaviyo alternatives can help you achieve the same benefits at a lower price or more ease.

Klaviyo Email App

Klaviyo Price

  • Free
  • SMS – $15/month
  • Email – $20/month


The demand for a Klaviyo alternative arises due to some notable cons. Some of which are discussed here.

As your contact list grows, so does Klaviyo’s pricing. Therefore, over a point of time, Klaviyo becomes expensive when you decide to scale your business.

Even though Klaviyo can be easy to use once you are familiar with its working, the process of learning and understanding this email marketing tool can be time-consuming for beginners.

Klaviyo offers only limited design options for emails. Many clients have faced issues reaching out to customer support on time to get their queries sorted.

Owing to these cons, the need for alternatives for Klaviyo is high among businesses.

8 Klaviyo Alternative for Email Marketing

The best Klaviyo alternatives for email marketing are:

  1. Retainful
  2. Omnisend
  3. Mailchimp
  4. ActiveCampaign
  5. Mailmodo
  6. Bento
  7. Plexins
  8. ShopAgain

The list of Klaviyo alternatives is curated based on important points like pricing, ease of use, personalization, availability of free plans, etc.

Before choosing the Klaviyo alternative that is best for your business, it is important to figure out which is the feature that will be most important for your business. This will help you pick the right app.

Automate your email campaign with Retainful and retain your customers

The best Klaviyo alternatives for email marketing that you can consider for your e-commerce store are the following:

1. Retainful: Email Marketing

Retainful will help you receive 30% of customers by sending them automatic abandoned cart emails. This will increase customer retention and sales of the e-commerce business.

Retainful provides cart recovery with a single click and live tracking. With this tool, you can easily send beautiful newsletters to keep your customers engaged. You can download email reports very easily from Retainful. This will help to understand, review, and refine the email campaign for better results.

Retainful Email App

Retainful Price

  • Free
  • Essential – $9/month
  • Starter – $19/month
  • Growth – $49/month


As a Klaviyo alternative, Retainful offers 25 Email automations that include Order follow-ups, Thank you, Win-back, etc. Owing to this, it will be very easy for beginners to use. Retainful also offers a ‘Next order coupon’ that will encourage more customers to purchase repeatedly from the e-commerce sto

2. Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS

Omnisend helps bring more sales to your e-commerce store through the automation of emails, SMS, and popups. You can personalize the emails sent to your customers by syncing them with their abandoned cart, onboarding, recommended picks, etc.

With no coding, you can use attractive templates for your email using pre-set templates. Furthermore, you can also send timely SMS using this email marketing tool.

Omnisend Email App

Omnisend Price

  • Free
  • Standard – $16/month
  • Pro – $59/month


As an effective Klaviyo alternative, Omnisend lets you add in your email exit-intent popups, spin-to-win, & signup forms. This will not only keep your customers engaged but also encourage them to make more purchases. Through emails, Omnisend allows you to collect product reviews. One more plus point that makes it a good Klaviyo alternative is that you can add these reviews as social proof to your website and increase brand trust.

3. Mailchimp: Email & SMS

Mailchimp is an app that can help you send emails and SMS to nurture bonds with your existing customers. You can sell upsell, and abandoned cart emails, and automate your win-back email campaign.

You can target specific customers with predictive segmentation and sell ultra-personalized emails and SMS. You can use analytics reports to understand customer engagement and refine your campaign for better results.

MailChimp Email App

MailChimp Price

  • Free
  • Essentials – $13/month
  • Standard – $20/month
  • Premium – $350/month


You can perform A/B testing with this Klaviyo alternative to find out what works for the customers. Additionally, you can adopt behavior-targeting to find out what will attract customers with similar interests. Mailchimp also helps with social media marketing and content creation for the same.

4. ActiveCampaign Email Marketing

Active Campaign will help build email marketing for your business with ease. You can send targeted and personalized emails to drive high re-engagement from your existing customers. Along with pre-made templates, they also provide AI tools to make better emails.

Active Campaign uses real-time as well as historical data to give a highly targeted segmented list of customers. With this tool, you can integrate your Shopify store with many other apps that increase the efficiency of your e-commerce store and bring you more sales.

ActiveCampaign Email App

ActiveCampaign Price

  • Starter – $19/month


AchtiveCampaign helps to build a landing page for your online store. As a Klaviyo alternative, this app offers site tracking to help you understand customer behavior better. This app also offers multi-channel marketing to help you reach your audience better.

5. Mailmodo Email & SMS Marketing

Mailmodo helps you build your email campaign with no code as they provide a very effective email builder. You can do behavior segmentation of customers based on abandoned carts, upsell, etc, and send them targeted emails and SMS to increase customer engagement.

Along with emails, you can send interactive widgets like Spin the Wheel, quizzes, forms, etc. Mailmodi also supports customer surveys and feedback collection.

MailModo Email App

Mailmodo Price

  • Free
  • Lite – $49/month
  • Pro – $99/month
  • Max – $199/month


Mailmodo can act as a Klaviyo alternative as it provides support to determine Send Time Optimization [STO] and smart recommendations to improve click rate and sales. With Mailmodo, you will receive excellent customer support through emails, as well as, live chat. They also provide assisted onboarding.

6. Bento: Email & Automation

With Bento, you can automate your email marketing activities by automating emails based on user behavior. This will help increase the sales and revenue of the store.

You can send unlimited emails using Bento. They provide access to all email products to help create emails that will result in conversion. They offer concierge support and one-to-one onboarding and set up for their customers to help them get started. Bento also integrates with popular tools to increase the efficiency of email marketing.

Bento Email App

Bento Price

  • Bento Free
  • Bento Standard – $30/month


Bento has a Spam API feature that saves time from manually cleaning the email list. This makes Bento a very promising Klaviyo alternative as Spam API monitors sign-ups to check if the user is valid. This will reduce your bounce rate.

7. Plexins Email & SMS MKT Flow

Plexins will help you achieve more sales and revenue by helping you automate email and SMS communication with your customers. With Plexins’ data-rich segmentation, you can very effortlessly send emails to drive conversions. You can send SMS globally to over 120+ countries.

You can either use pre-designed templates for SMS and email or design your template. Plexins makes even managing multiple stores easy with its seamless working.

Plexins Email App

Plexins Price

  • Basic – $19/month
  • Premium – $59/month


Plexins provide plenty of opt-in options for your subscribers and customers like Pop-ups, links, QR codes, etc. This works as a good Klaviyo alternative by streamlining the shopping experience with
emails and SMS to increase repeat purchases by your customers.

8. ShopAgain Email, SMS, Whatsapp

ShopAgain will help convert new customers into regular customers by sending them highly targeted and personalized emails and messages. They follow a post-purchase flow to automate the emails sent to the customers.

With this tool, you can send SMS to 150+ countries. You can also use pop-ups and forms to increase your email subscribers. You can autopilot your email and SMS flows to your customers and subscribers.

ShopAgain Email App

ShopAgain Price

  • Free
  • Scale – $15/month
  • Autopilot – $99/month


ShopAgain can be a Klaviyo alternative because it takes the help of AI for customer segmentation and email building. Artificial Intelligence is also used for recommendations related to UpSell and cross-sell. Apart from emails and SMS, you can also use ShopAgain to communicate with your customers through WhatsApp. This increases the usability of this app.

After learning about the Klaviyo alternatives, you can choose the best fit for your business based on features and price plans. Along with this, adopting other digital marketing tactics like affiliate marketing can help you grow your e-commerce business.

Cost Comparison: Klaviyo vs. Klaviyo Alternatives

The cost comparison of Klaviyo Vs Klaviyo alternatives is depicted with the help of the following table.

Klaviyo Alternative Cost Comparison

You can access the cost and features parallel to it before deciding which app gives you the best value for money as an alternative to Klaviyo.

Along with a Klaviyo alternative, Install Afflr to handle affiliate marketing to widen your reach and sales.


As email marketing can increase your customer retention hugely, you must employ a dedicated tool to automate your work. While Klaviyo is a good choice, it is better to understand your requirements and check out other Klaviyo alternatives before making your choice.

This blog provides you with brief details about all Klaviyo alternatives. With the details provided, you can choose an app that can make your email marketing journey a success.

Further Reading

Who is Klaviyo’s biggest competitor?

Klaviyo’s biggest competitor is Mailchimp, which also offers robust email marketing and automation features.

Is there a free version of Klaviyo?

Yes, Klaviyo offers a free version that supports up to 250 contacts and 500 monthly email sends.

Is Klaviyo a CRM or ESP?

Klaviyo is primarily an Email Service Provider (ESP) and includes CRM functionalities for managing customer data.

What is the alternative to Klaviyo?

The alternative to Klaviyo are:
1. Omnisend
2. Mailchimp
3. ActiveCampaign
4. Retainful

Is HubSpot similar to Klaviyo?

Yes, HubSpot is similar to Klaviyo in the way that they both deal with email marketing. Even though Hubspot can be used as a Klaviyo alternative, HubSpot offers many other software services as well.

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